United by Hope

<aside> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eirikmadland/notion-icons/master/v5/icon4/ul-english-to-chinese.svg" alt="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eirikmadland/notion-icons/master/v5/icon4/ul-english-to-chinese.svg" width="40px" /> 한국어로 읽기 (Korean version)



Our aim is to realize and improve refugee rights in Korea. Through empowerment, advocacy and networking, we seek to build refugee power together beyond nationality. We pride the diversity within us, and we believe in the diversity achieved through refugees will be the strength of society.

About us

Active Refugee Korea(ARK) is an initiative by and for refugees in Korea. ARK is launched in 2022 by its first members from Egypt, Congo, Ethiopia, and Korea. We came together with a shared understanding of the need to make a real change in improving the rights of refugees living in Korea. This year, we are establishing the base of refugee network and discovering agendas and resources for refugee advocacy through <Refugee networking and activism project> funded by The Truth Foundation.

What we do

1. Networking

Refugees in Korea are scattered, making it difficult to build a strong sense of refugees representation in society. We drive change for refugee right by connecting refugee and refugee communities. We organize networking to build understanding across diverse refugee communities by sharing their experiences, knowledge, and information as well as aspirations.

2. Advocacy

There are many refugee stories in the media, but rarely do we have our own story by ourselves. Speaking up really matters to the public sense of awareness and impact on the refuge issues. We hope to talk and hear refugees' voices more than now. We improve chances and build spaces for refugees to speak safely and actively. We amplify the voices of refugees to shape the politics that affect our lives.

3. Empowerment

The name ‘refugee’ comes only from the relentless situation we face, but it does not mean that we do not have the capacity or possibility within us. If we break the cycle of perpetual aid and overcome marginalization, we can discover our diverse abilities and contribute to society meaningfully living together. We put refugees at the center of solutions and empower ourselves to positively transform society. We try to find a way to empower refugees creatively and actively participate in socio-economic and politics like education, art, economic activities, and social movements. We dream of refugees represented in various fields.
